What is the salary of a nanny ?

Preeti Jayan Dhanu

i have been trying to find a nanny for my daughter. Can you let me know what is the salary that I need to pay to a good nanny ?

Replies (10)

i pay Rs. 500 per day

Megha Gaikwad

Preeti, I pay 14000 to my salary. I think that is decent in a city like mumbai

Minakshi Khaire

I pay 12000 to mine. but she comes only for 8 hours.

Urvashi Rajput

Guys, where did you hire the nanny from ?

Chandrika Dey

I got a part time nanny from my society for 2 hours and pay her 2000 per month

Ansari Mohdyasin Neha

Hi I require a full time maid to do all the household work and cooking for two old people living in jaipur


I need a part time (4hrs) maid to take care my one year old baby boy..


Do you also offer your services in New Delhi?


I want nanny to looking for nanny for looking after for 6 years old boy.


Do you supply maid in Kunnamkulam (Thrissur District) Kerala ? Will they work for once weekly ? How much charge for a day ?

Nijo Joseph

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