what is the usual nanny agency fees?

Ratan Kisan Sawant

The local agency is demanding 30000 rupees from me? Should I pay ?

Replies (4)

When i was searching for a domestic servant in mumbai bookmybai charged me one months salary and service tax. I didnt want to pay service tax but they said they will not be able to service my requirement if I dont pay service tax since they dont deal in cash. I was very impressed that finally there is a company which gives a proper bill and pays the tax to the government

Trupti Pol

it looks like Lyme disease. She put her Lyme meds and sent her to the lab for Lyme tests. If it’s not Lyme, the meds wo#28n&17;t hurt or help, but if it is she will have a head start on treatment.


Almost all agencies charge one month salary as their fees. if you dont take bill they wont charge service tax


Nooooo!!! The usual charge is one month salary and few months of replacement. They are taking you for a ride.

Priyanka Ravindra Kamble

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