what does the average nanny get paid

Dipali S Kadam

what do nannies charge and can you suggest a trustworthy maid placement agency today

Replies (9)

bookmybai.com - the best servant agency in mumbai. I have tried other servant bureaus in mumbai. No use. Waste of time. I posted a requirement on bookmybai and they gave provided me with a maid.

Bharati Parab

I need baby sitter for my 5month old baby. I need for 24hrs and on urgent basis


nannies will charge anywhere in between Rs. 10000 to Rs. 15000. Depends on the work

Ruchi Mishra

i also rquire a nanny for a thane household. Can anyone suggest a good agency

Nanda Mane

my nanny charges me 12000 per month for 12 hours

Isha Jain

Does book my bai operate in Jaipur?


can anyone suggest a reliable servant provider in mumbai

Padma Gurram

Aliya, I do82n#&17;t know what you did to your hair, but you look truly gorgeous! I love how you styled that gorgeous knit! Love everything about this outfit and how you look x


wanted maid in mumbai .. please help

Kalpana Dongare

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