Does anyone know maid cleaning service prices?

Geeta Norki

Does anyone know maid cleaning service prices in mumbai ?

Replies (8)

part time maid is 1500 to 2500 per month for 1 hours

Indu Sharma

4500 for 6 hours


It depends on number of hours. For 8 hours duty which my maid charges 8000 for all cleaning.

Sheetal Jitendra Singh

my maid comes for 2 hours and takes 3000

Bhagyeshree Sakpal

i have a live in maid and she charges 15000

Mansi Balkrishna Gurav

I have a full time maid in mumbai and she charges 12000 per month

Priyanka Patil

I need maid for my home


This is a good thing as gas stations and convenience stores make cleanliness a priority so people feel comfortable upon entering their establishment and want to return. sasha


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